Those were the days

Those were the days

Smoking whilst making sandwiches for the customer wasn't seen as a bad thing in the 1980's. This is my sister Dawn Barnes, But do you recognise the cafe she is working in?
First time I have seen this. I must have passed here a thousand times or more as a kid. I do not think it has anything to do with milling flour. There was a little precision engineering factory here that used to make 'eyes' for fishing rods etc. I think the term 'mill' refers to engineering mill.
It was known as Saphrite run by one of the Shipton brothers, they made some very nice eyes for fishing rods there.....
One of my brothers used to work here at Saphrite until the early sixties, I think. Everything manufactured here was made of brass I think, but the firm didn't seem to make enough to last!

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