.A huge row erupted over the proposed bathing pool situated on battery Rocks. The scheme was not as popular as the council had thought. Rate payers bombarded the council and newspapers with objections, yet the scheme was pushed ahead with little or no thought to the exposure the pool would have to the winter storms
Pool Tenders. 15 March 1934
The committee considered five tenders received for the construction of the bathing pool at the Battery Rocks, and resolved that the council be recommended to accept the tender of Mr. J. H. Lobb, of Mevagissey, being the lowest, in the sum of £13,788 12s 9d, and that the tender be forwarded to the Ministry of Health, for scrutiny. Ald. Bazeley had given notice that he would move: "That in view of the large commitments of the Borough Council and the urgent need of further works required in the coming new areas, it is inadvisable to proceed this year with the building of the Bathing Pool. When the clause in the committee's report referring to tenders came on, Ald. Bazeley pointed out that if that clause was passed, his notice of motion would be useless. The Mayor said he was taking the business in the order in which it came. Ald. Bazeley: I shall move that the clause be referred back on the ground that we are involving the town in a very heavy expenditure. I consider this very risky and a very dangerous proposition, because it means that we are taking away from Davy Jones something he has taken away from our forefathers. Ald. W. J. Bazeley moved that, as it was inadvisable proceed with the bathing pool scheme this year, it should be deferred until the next council came in. He said he wished to protest against the estimated expenditure of £14,000, which he submitted was only the beginning, and it would not end there. Ald. Bazeley said the scheme was prepared in a hurry and never came before a committee, and when the plan was presented to the council the ink it was not even dry. He felt that the matter had been rushed unduly and it was not in the interests of the borough that it should be rushed through in such a way. When it came to the question of the sea they did not know where they were. He had never come across sailor who was in favour of the plan; those who knew the force of the sea were more nervous about it. He wanted to know what they were going to do with the Baths.
The Mayor: They are leased. Ald. Bazeley: The lease is not given by the Corporation and there is room there for an enlarged bathing pool at nothing like the expense of this. We have properties there that could be easily displaced. This is going to incur the Corporation (that was the town council in those days) in a liability they will be sorry for in the future. You will have all you can to maintain it there. The revenue you will have from it is most exaggerated.This is the biggest white elephant Penzance will ever have," said Coun. A. J. Melhuish seconding. He said that since he had he had found the people were not in favour of the pool, and if the ratepayers of Penzance did not want it they should not have it. Coun. MacFadyean said Ald. Bazeley had never brought matter up when the scheme was being discussed, but had now introduced his opposition at the last moment. Did Ald. Bazeley ever say it was inadvisable to have bathing pool? He wanted one in the worst place possible. Mrs. Shaw said that the enquiry held by the Ministry of Health that there was not a single objection. The Mayor said that people considered that the pool was being put in the wrong place, but they did not realise what the cost would be.
The Surveyor: It would cost £135,000 to put it in front of the Queen's Hotel.
The Mayor: This matter was before the Council on June 20th last year. It came, up for discussion and everyone knew what it was for. An enquiry was held on October and ratepayers could have come and objected to the scheme if they desired. The tender was accepted March 1st, and the amount expended to date is about £300. I think it is one the finest things ever put forward in Penzance. It is an amenity to the borough. Taking into consideration that the cost is not a penny rate, who is going to object it?
Coun. Melhuish the ratepayers object.
The Mayor said that the cost of £14,000 was not big thing when stretched over period 30 years. "It’s no good taking a backward view," he said. "You must progress in reason, and I consider this bathing pool is a step in the right direction. All the other things we have done have been progressive. do what’s right for the benefit of the ratepayers of the town and thank goodness my conscience clear."
On the motion being put to the meeting, it was defeated by 15 votes to 2.