steff has asked you to log out of your account and browse the game as a guest to see weather you can see the pic, can you try this please?
steff has asked you to log out of your account and browse the game as a guest to see weather you can see the pic, can you try this please?
If you can't see the picture and you are not logged in (viewing the forum as a guest) then it cannot be permissions. What browser are you using at the moment?
Oh well i'll put you out of your misery
Van Halen...................(Van Hailing)
I expected someone to say, that's not a taxi it's a wedding car!!
@BoP in Internet Explorer do you see a small red cross where you would expect to see the image?
Correct ChrisTru
I`m sorry you can`t see the pictures BayOfPlenty especially as you like
to have a crack at these things
Don't apologise, Wren... I haven't got around to blaming you yet
ha ha cheeky
The first picture is of a spinning top and a long beard
Answer ZZ TOP
I thought it was a spinnint top, sun glasses and a cat