Letter to Cornwall Council Cabinet members
Dear Councillor
The Route Partnerships proposal for the South Pier/Battery Rocks was rejected in February 2004 by Penzance harbour users who were not included in the consultation process. They invited Hyders representative to give a presentation of the options.
Hyders the consultants rejected this option in July 2004 and it was subsequently rejected three times by the residents of Penzance, at the two planning exhibitions and in the overwhelming number of letters of objection to the planning application that was subsequently withdrawn.
The Town Council and the Civic Trust have rejected it.
In a recent poll conducted by The Cornishman in which over 3000 people voted it was overwhelmingly rejected yet again.
Our MP Andrew George has stated that is politically un-deliverable.
English Heritage stated in 2009 that “consideration be given to locating the passenger and freight terminal in an alternative location, less harmful to the historic environment”.
The Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment, (CABE), South West Design Panel stated in June 2009 “We would have liked to have understood why an option outside the sea wall was chosen…. Can this really be the most practical and environmental site for the terminal and ferry berth?”
Serious doubts have been raised about the economics of a single larger ship. Cornwall ratepayers are being made to pay for the new vessel. Cornish ratepayers will also carry all the risk, a point noted by David Whalley, Leader of Cornwall County Council and other County Councillors.
Everyone is in favour of maintaining the Isles of Scilly link but not with the current Route Partnership proposal for Penzance Harbour. There are other workable alternatives that I believe would be less costly economically and environmentally. The Route Partnerships own consultants have recently told them this.
There is no need to resubmit the planning application as only the sensible alternatives to the plan that will not destroy the historic seafront of Penzance are acceptable to the people living in the town.
The Route Partnership should be directed to deliver these.
Yours sincerely
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