option c is unworkable both in terms of increased frieght charge and therefore it cannot build up a fund for future boats, also it would take to long to repay the loan of the cost of a newboat {30 years which falls outside the eu regs and the life of the boat}
the council cannot put an unworkable scheme on the table
four million pounds and many years of work by specialists has gone into isolating which plan is workable and deliverable
the above statements are the findings of not one but two independent shipping companies...lv shipping and red funnel ferries.
All the three main parties, including labour cannot garuntee the funding for this ....Labour have said that it may be subject to spending review if they win the election and Conservatives have said they support the scheme but can give no assurance of funding if they gain power.
RP have explored many many options including at least one on Albert Pier which appeared to be approx75% more exspensive.
passengers generally arive by car /coach or by foot from the direction of thier b&b , the promenade area, very few use the bus rail terminal
the council conservation officer has said that even if option c were to go ahead the 'beach' will need to be covered in rock amour to protect the listed structure from storm damage
option A will only mean taking away 1% of the total volume of the south pier, or 33 metres of the entire 297 meters of the wall section
Option A will protect the barbican high sea wall from further damage where as option c will leave it vulnerable to flooding
if option A fails and no other options succeed the 750 000 of our council tax money will be lost.
the Scillonian co have said that they need new boat within 3/5 years and that a one boat option would be better...they also say they are having to make ever more difficult decisions because of the age of thier exsisting boats
the new terminal in Option A is largely hidden behind the exsisting sea wall and has practically no disadvantage re sea views.
despite a year of professional campaigning only 18 businesses have openly opposed option a.......by contrast in a petition largely circulated in the business community there are currently 75 for and only 7 against....after a few days of effort.
Foph have no facts or figures or even an option on the table ..thier campaign now rests on discrediting anything RP say using the '' liar liar pants on fire ''defence
foph and theier supporters are willing to smear anyone with an oppsosing view......for information Consol oils is run by a man whose family have a huge history in shipping in Mounts Bay...and is a former fishing skipper.
Obviously i have looked at this project very hard and spent much time going over all the available information.
In my view, as a life long small business person of Penzance with no connection whatsoever to RP , I am very concerned that the ios link is under severe danger, and that a well meaning opposition are not being given the facts by thier leaders .
If you have'nt voted yet i would urge people to go and vote in the cornishman online poll......please go look at the option A photomontage
http://www.ioslinkharbours.co.uk/downloads/Lastest CGIs Of Penzance Option A.pdf
the petition is here
don't let apathy rule Pz