As I said, there is more to the id than meets the eye. There are times in our lives when we are unable to reach that depth of sleep, that REM moment, where were are totally immersed in a dream. Our senses still work. As the dream unfolds, a sound in the street is folded into the story, a slight adjustment to make sense of what we perceive. Then there is that terrible moment when the mind is slightly awake, but the body is not. You lie there, wrapped in sheets, stifling sheets, tied down, Your legs will not move, terror grips. Panic takes over and you awake in a blind sweat.
Another is the annoyance that in your dream you are holding on to something you have found, or were given - only when we awake, the fist is empty. A simple proof that muscles work in our dream state.
In that moment when you are approaching or leaving the REM state, the conscious is still mulling over the tragedy, the powerful fear of what tomorrow will bring, so the brain has two sets of images to fold together. It HAS to make sense to the ego. Deep below that is the id, which has another set of priorites. To educate the whole into doing what is right. Rather like an iceberg, the top ice is what we see, below water line is the ego, below that is the superego, and deep below in the ocean is the id. You cannot see this but know it is there.
A while back I was deeply troubled by the fact that the son of a dear friend was killed in a motor accident. My friend phoned me and told me that she woke up every night crying for her dead son. That night, I dreamt. I was walking through a large park, calling her son's name, anxiously looking everywhere. It was dark with rain clouds, the sun was going down fast, it was getting cold. I thought I saw something move in the bushes. My pace increased, as I walked across the grass, all of a sudden the ground just dropped from under my feet. I fell instantly. It was an earth tunnel, vertical drop. I was enclosed in a wall of choking soil dust. I could see nothing but the wall of the shaft - it was a matter of an inch or two bigger than my body. If I touched the sides, it would have broken my fingers. I descended further, deeper, faster, more earth followed, I was being buried, but only speed stopped the build up of earth on me. I remember asking myself, could I grab a root as it passed, but realised that would be fatal, as I would be buried under all the soil. I peered down below my feet, as I sped on downwards. There was a bend in the shaft. A rock in the way. I am going to be crushed. But I bounced to one side and found myself in a vast cavern, at ceiling level, floating, staring down at the most incredible scene. The earth had gone. I was in no danger .... but what is that below? There are three alcoves, lit with green light. It was hundreds of feet below. I was also now noticing a group of tall glass structures, I cannot remember the number, must have been 12 x 7 in grouping, pyramidal in shape, but very high for its base. They were filled with radiant colours, changing from red through indigo. I was suddenly aware that as beautiful as this was, I was in danger of falling on to these points and being killed. The sense of floating was then gone. I was about to drop. I warm wind swept the cavern, in a gust rather like that when a train approaches in an underground station; it took me and I was placed on a small ledge in a side cave. I woke up in a state of relief and yet panic as to how I could climb up to the park again.