Troubled Chy an Dour main road


The Clerk said that, at a meeting of the Highway committee, on the l0th June 1891, the chairman reported the results of Mr Hickes' inspection of the roads at Chyandour and Trereife which the County council propose to take over. Mr Hickes was so far satisfied with the roads that he said he had nothing to complain of in regard to what was already done, but he required the Board to supply a certain amount of broken stone to carry the roads on, and an arrangement was made that there should be 50 yards for the Chyandour road and 100 yards for that at Trereife. Mr Hickes had since written asking that this agreement should be made in writing. He (Mr Taylor) wrote to the county surveyor accordingly; adding that the Board thought only right that they should now have the usual certificate for the roads, they had complied with all the requirements. The G.W.R. directors wrote that they had authorised the cost for raising of the wall at the coal shed at Chyandour to prevent engines being seen from the road, and a copy of that letter was sent to Mr Hickes. Rather to his (the clerk's) surprise, seeing that they had met Mr Hickes in every possible way, the letter wrote: —' I am very glad to hear that the work has been ordered and I will grant certificate immediately on the completion of the work and on the fulfilment of the other portion of my requirements.'

Mr Adams - He is humbug.
The Clerk - Seeing we have met him in every possible way I think it is a most unsatisfactory letter.

Mr Bennetts -I don't think he is acting as a gentleman: everything but that.
The Clerk It very unsatisfactory, for he gave us to understand at his inspection that, provided it was perfectly clear that the railway-company would agree to make the wall, we should get his certificate, and it is as perfectly clear that they were going to so.

Mr Bennetts What have we to do with the railway wall?
The Clerk—We are , the authority to call on the railway company; but. seeing that they have undertaken to do all that is required, it seems to me that we should not withhold his certificate any longer.
Mr Adams- He wants us to keep the roads for another twelve months.—The Chairman - We are beginning to find out the evils of the County-council: here they employ a man to ride roughshod over us.—
Mr Adams — And whatever he says is law.
The Clerk—Who should discuss what action we should take in the matter. It is no use abusing Mr Hickes, for he is at a certain distance and does not feel it. The only action you can take is, deputation or otherwise, to place the matter before the local committee, of which the Rev John Tonkin is chairman.
The Chairman you will get nothing by that, for they will only ask Mr Hickes what he thinks of it.
The Clerk I believe the other local authorities are very dissatisfied with the treatment they have received in relation to this road business, and I believe they thought of making representations to the local committee.
Mr Adams I think the better way would be to get the 50 load of stone near Chyandour and, as soon as the wall is raised and sufficient height, place the stone on the road.
The Clerk We have already agreed with Mr Hickes; has nothing to but to send word and we will deliver the stone.
The Chairman How would it be to refer the correspondence to the Highway committee, and call a special meeting at which the chairman would present?
Mr Bennetts; I think it would be a very wise step. It seems that Mr. Hickes is shifting in every way can.
The Chairman might I write to William Bolitho about it. proposed that the matter referred to the Highway committee, with power to act, and that they requested to meet as soon possible, and take action in the matter.
Mr Peak seconded, and the motion was carried. A letter was received from the engineer's office of the G.W.R, stating that a water-table had lately been constructed by the Board against the company's wall at Chyandour, and, as it had not been made water-tight, the affect would be to turn a quantity of water behind the company’s wall and to its detriment. They asked that the surface of the water-table be cemented and grouted.
Mr Adams The railway company has met us in a fair manner and we should meet them in similar spirit. This matter was also referred to the highway committee and the clerk was directed to inform the company that the matter was receiving attention.
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