Eastern Green Petrol station

Eastern Green Petrol station

This view of the petrol station was taken by George Jelbert from his front room window above Bruno's Bar. Sadly neither exist any longer.
Not the infancy of the bypass, the cars are travelling in opposite directions on the same side of the road. Also note that unleaded is 38p a litre.... Wow those were the days my friend I'd thought they'd never end
I'd be interested to learn when this photo was taken, if known. My parents ran this petrol station until 1985 when we moved out of the area - relocated by Jet/Conoco because they were giving this station up - something to do with the bypass being built, I think. It was interesting to come back many years later to find a Tesco station on practically the same site - I knew we should never have left! ;)
Hi sandwoman. This was likely taken about 1983. It was taken from the window of the Seasider just before the change to Brunos bar.
Bit confused. It looks as though the dual carriageway is in place, but cars are travelling in both directions in the far lane.
I believe it's because the eastbound carriageway wasn't opened to traffic at this point, den - the cars are still using what was the original A30.
The Ford Escort in the picture is an E reg dating it at least 1987/1988, plus I remember this so I must have been about 8 as my memory before is flaky at best.

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