Train Coming out from Penzance

Train Coming out from Penzance

Train Coming out from Penzance?
Train being shunted into Penzance from across the Eastern Green Section; this is showing the old water tower at Chyandour. Signals are set for entry permission. Exit signals are at stop.
This is an interesting photo. It shows the station throat before the 1938 rebuild. The coaches on the right are in the single 'sea siding'. I don't think they are moving at all. The water tank appears to be the same one that existed up to the mid 60s. The bracket signal is clear for a main line train to enter the down platform in the station. The next signal up the line is also clear, supporting the fact that the train being signalled isn't actually in the photo yet... although it could be the wisp of steam in the far distance. Post-1938 there were two sea sidings. I suspect that the main lines were moved over to make room because the sea wall in this area seems to be the same. Nearer to the station there was much land filling and the wall definitely did move. The stumpy object to the right of the bracket signal may be a ground disc covering shunting out of the sea siding.

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