Major Contributor
You are absolutely right; but it has to be said that RP are 'committed' to a single ship (irrationally, as you say). They say the ship has been designed, it has been priced, the builder has been selected, and it is out to tender or at least within a matter of a month. There is an almighty rush to ensure funding, for works to commence in the harbour area within a month or so. Option A is being forced on Penzance, as otherwise they will 'move to Falmouth'. Yet they are spending 300,000 on the feasibility (which will take time and have to be vetted for legal and HSE matters, let alone maritime issues of crewing and routing), which would alter the parameters of the vessel, and probably have to be a re-design, thereby altering costs. A longer voyage in a flat bottomed vessel, stabilisers, etc. What effect will that have on limited draught work in the Isle of Scilly channels, I wonder. The other point to be considered is the access to the ship via road or rail. What cost is involved, how does National Rail fit into this removal of trade from them .... It appears that time is not as limited. Or costs. Then there are other matters. But it all appears that it is fixed and set as to what is to happen. To be honest, I would like to see the paperwork which actaually shows that that 5 million has been spent unfunded and non-recoverably. I have heard different stories. As you say there are logistical problems if the ship needs works. Just where will this be done? Not in Penzance it won't. As you say, what happens in the meantime. But, they are committed to the single ship and Option A, not prepared to discuss anything else. Entrenched.