Harbour Developments 2010

Bilge Rat

Perhaps Pendarves should be looking at the Penzance Harbour User Association proposal for the regeneration of west Cornwall. Plenty of room for live/work homes, network centre, community workspaces and amenity areas, conference centre/hotel, tidal generation, watersports centre that reflects the importance of Mounts Bay, cargo handling facilities that go with government policy of getting freight off the road and onto the water, gets traffic out of the town and the seafront and was voted for by Mike Waters at Andrew Georges meeeting last year and by every one else.
A bit of funding from CC would attract private developers to turn around the economy of west Cornwall for future generations. Instead they want a mealy mouthed no brainer that will blight Penzance forever!
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Ok. So it looks like the council has won the battle.
My way of thinking is this. The council is in debt, and does not want pilfering details like the view of the general public blocking up their sights. So they have already lost £5,000,000 quid on this, and they can't afford to lose any more. Hey Ho it has to go this time, and miraculously it works. (draw your own conclusions).
They cleverly played on their own unjustfied conclusion that their was no other option to their own preferred option which had already cost a lot of money to get as far as it had. In my opinion it was and still is a very poor option, and I believe that if wasn't for the fact that so much money had been thrown at it then other options may have been considered. However as we know nobody's job is safe within this present council, from the lowest to the highest, so all are watching the pennies.
Now when it comes to our ferry link scheme it is dirt in the eye, and has to be sorted asap, but I question the method used. I believe that to give people who are struggling to survive, the option of use this or lose it is very close to blackmail, and I believe that is illegal. I wonder what the European courts would make of this, particularly Brussels.
I understand the way business people in the town fear for the fact that their livelihoods could suffer if the terminal went to Falmouth (never a possibility), but they have been bought by the council, and cheaply. Fear is a wage they can't earn.
So now we have a situation where we are being led by the nose into a mire autocracy.


Just a small but non the less blunt point I would like to make.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I was under the impression that both the Tourism board and Penzance Chambers of Commerce campaigned to push through plan "A" because they feared that businesses would suffer and it was there duty to protect those businesses.
So then why are they not promoting Penzance as they should?
Did you know that Penzance is to host part two of a world class power boating P1 championship in May this year?
Well I've visited the official website for Chamber of Commerce and Penzance tourism board and found no information at all. Nor did I find any information on Cornwall Council site or in fact anywhere other than here on Picture Penzance. http://picturepenzance.co.uk/forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&day=2010-5-22&c=1
It leaves me wondering what they really supported about the harbour development and why?


Major Contributor
To be fair, popping "powerboat p1" mount's bay in Google search comes up with Penzance Tourism, This is Cornwall and so on ...
I think that I am correct in saying that the " huge concrete reinforcement " is in fact a breather for the sewage tunnel which runs under the Prom and parts of the harbour. I think there is another one in the Wherrytown car park.
Whilst on the subject of Option "A", how many Winter gales would it take to totally destroy this monstrosity? Does anybody really think that rock armouring will keep back the seas which easily top the existing wall ! Why,oh why, can't we move forward to containerisation of goods for Scilly. With the use of small containers the Depot could be placed anywhere outside of the town. think the whole concept of large lorries in the harbour area is a non-starter.


In a strange sort of way this whole project is coming back to bite the instigators within Cornwall Council. At the time of the final push it wasn't clear that a general election was on the horizon. Nor did anyone expect to see the SDP in power, albeit a collision. But only a few months ago Cornwall councillors were pushing for the removal of MP Andrew George because of his roll in supporting the majority of people from the main land. Nick Clegg was personally involved in Andrew George's defence.
The scheme has yet to reach the approval of the secretary of State in a government part SDP, and Nick Clegg is now deputy Prime Minister and Graham Hicks has been removed from his post.
So has Cornwall Council simply wasted £millions on a non starter... it remains to be seen?
You couldn't make this up! ::11:


I think the harbour issue is far from over.
A friend told me that the new government was trying to find a catchy new title to express they way in which they intend to work with us poor folk. He suggested " The Condem party" then I guess we would be a "Condemnation". ............Yep I like this mans thinking.


I suppose we can no longer sing "for Hicks a jolly good fellow" or "Gordon is a moron", so I guess we're back to "Rubber Bullets" for a while.


Breaking news!! Secretary of State has just granted Listed Building Consent on Penzance Harbour proposals. In affect allowing the landfill and harbour development to go ahead!


Staff member
pretty much...in a nut shell yes...
some times I do wonder why we all put so much effort/time/energy into something that we all feel strongly about, to have this outcome.
it's disgraceful!!


Active Member
To say I'm well pissed off is an understatement. Throughout this whole thing I've felt like my views (and those of many, many others) have been dismissed by faceless bureaucrats and company executives as the views of the 'little people who obviously have no idea or understanding of what economic and business opportunities this venture will bring'. Perhaps I don't, but I do understand this: profit, greed and destruction is not the way forward - or the way I choose to live my life, come to that.


Its not over till the fat lady sings!
Don't think for one minute that the people in Penwith will sit back and allow this to be imposed on them.
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