But this is hypocritical of me if I agree... after all I live in a house that was once countryside and someone probably also enjoyed a walk along the fields that are now houses.My particular gripe is one of a long series of gripes about our dwindling countryside, the free areas upon which to walk
Development is a necessity, although I agree more control and better understanding of nature needs to be pushed in to the development businesses.
But to be fair a lot of what you have mentioned is part of our ever changing social demand on both our town and environment. Regeneration can happen when we rely on to few things, or as I said businesses didn't diversify.
Diversity isn't a magic word... it's a fundamental part of business. Those businesses who don't utilise it will sooner or later end in trouble.
Here's an example for you.
The Butchers started in 1974 and traded well until the younger son Simon took the business over. He tried to compete with the supermarkets and came off bad. in 2005 Ian took the business back as the bailiffs moved in.
Ian can to my office and we spoke about diversity. Today the business is better than it has ever been. Why? because they offered the same product but at a better quality, higher price and marketed the business and recognised their true market. businesses isn't just about having a product and selling it on.
So what I'm trying to say is that I don't believe the town has had it's heart ripped out.... really we have more shops open in the centre of town that we did in the 70's and we have more supermarkets... right?