I was there from 1975 to 1980. Now let me think........ah yes here's a list of the teachers I remember:
Mr Cock - Head
Mr Ostins - Science
Mr Turner - Maths
Mrs Russell - Maths
Mr Tonkin - PE/Sports/English
Mr Weeks - Modern History (My Fave teacher, then again, that was my fave subject)
Mrs Ridge - History
Mr Carne - TD
Mrs White - English
Mr Marks - Geography
Mr Toland - Geography
Mrs Hancock - Human Bioology
Mr Owen - English (and Joey taps!)
Mr Potter - Pottery
Mr Mead - Woodwork/sometimes PE
Mr Horton - Metalwork
Mr Praed - Art
Mrs Ham - French
Mr Harris - Music
Mrs Harris - RE
Mr Chadwick - English/Geography
Mr Royal - Rural Science
Mr Keller - Maths
Mr Livingston - Science
Mr Sainsbury - Science
There's a few to start with. Now forms and form teachers....
1=Can't remember yet, think it was Mrs Ham..so 1H
2=Can't remember yet, but could have been Mrs Ridge...so 2R
3=Think it was Mr Sainsbury, so 3S
4=Mr Keller - 4K
5=Mrs Hancock - 5H
As for the Religious Education teachers I had.....I think one was Taffy Owens wife (?). Mrs Harris was one and also the teacher who taught Social History, also did RE in the 5th year...now what was his name...Mr Piper I think it was...remember his arm pits were always soaking wet!! Probably from all the stress!

. Saying that though...his RE was the only time that the subject was interesting (to me)....he also included Islam, Buddism etc etc into the mix. Is he the same Mr Piper that came from Mounts bay? went to? A certain Mrs Hillage also taught at Mount's Bay, but her name also seems familiar as a teacher at Lescudjack too...?
Pottery when I first went to Lescudjack was taken by an old man who always told us stories of his exploits in WWII...he's name escapes me at the present...anyone know? Still, I liked him and I was more interested in his stories than Pottery.
My fave teachers were:
Mr Weeks - History
Mr Ostins - Science
Mr Sainsbury - Science
Mr Keller - Form Teacher
The old guy Pottery teacher from the first year
Mr Horton - Metalwork
Mr Mead - Woodwork
Bill Cock - Head
Mrs Ham - French